Posted by : Unknown Friday, July 14, 2017

Cool And Unique Tricks That Can Be Done After Android On Root - Root is a very related thing to android, almost everyone who uses android understand what it is called root. This post Admin to provide something for you about the deeper root of course. We will discuss it completely from the understanding of root itself.

So What is Root??

Okay, we start from understanding root itself, Root on android is granting full access rights in android that can be used by users. So basically every android does not have full access rights, which means full access itself is the absence of the right for the user to change or touch a bit of internal files or systems of android itself. Maybe you are still confused with the sentence we made before, okay we will give you a little picture

Root itself can be imagined as you buy a new home, like homes like android. So inside the house there is a room that can control all the rooms of the house that you occupy, and the control room can not be entered and changed, so after you do the rooting, the control room that you can enter and change at will.

Now you already understand what is meant by root, it's time we discuss the core of this post, which is cool things you can do after root on android. Have you ever imagined what things can be done after android in root position ?? Here we will tell you what it is.

1. Adding Ram Capacity Using External Memory

The first cool thing you can do after rooting yourself is to increase the capacity of RAM using external memory or known as swap.

Yes, so for those of you who like to complain in the size of Ram android is too small, then you can use the swap method to help him.

This method is quite difficult to practice because it is also at risk of bootlop, and requires persistence in swapping from external memory to RAM. You need the Xposed app, Swap RAM, to partition your external memory.

2. Overclock CPU !!

Just like a computer, you can also overclock or increase the performance of the android CPU in a certain way. So the android performance will increase from the usual especially in the process of processing something.

By doing this it is also very helpful android in playing heavy games or HD that previously felt jammed in android, because Clock Speed ​​of the CPU increases, then play HD games will feel lighter.

Overclock itself will increase the speed of the CPU, but also has a bad risk, the CPU will not be durable because forced performance

3. Install CWM On Android

CWM or ClockWordMod is a feature that can be obtained after you root in android. With this you can do a lot of something "wow" on android, for example replace Custom ROM easily or flash back.

To install CWM of course android is in the root state and has a CWM file according to the type of your android device.

4. Replace Custom ROM

One of the goals android users to root on android the most is to be able to replace the Custom ROM, because with this view android will turn totally unique and cool.

Many Custom ROMs are currently available for all types of mobile phones, your stay chooses to use which one, make your android different from the others by replacing Custom ROM !!

5. Play HD Game With Current

Many supporting applications that can be used to facilitate or facilitate in playing HD games but require root access, that is the reason many android users who do rooting on android.

Suppose editing game files contained in the android system, usually android users who feel less in terms of graphics can change some of the settings in the android system so the game becomes smooth.

Thanks for read this article may be useful and Happy Rooting ^_^

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