Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Cost and How to Change Mio to Finger Velg 17 inch - Here is how you Want to change the look of your foot feet using your fingers, here let's look at the steps for MIO whose condition uses Comet Velg. For this time article admin will wear red comet wheels hopefully can be made a little bit Inspire and Help for you Lovers of Mio Velg modifications Fingers 17 inch fingers.

Step One Change Mio to Finger Velg 17 inch

To be prepared is, Eat! Important bro! Because if already hobby motor modification is usually a problem to eat often forget, consequently the concentration is lost and the motor oprek was also not as expected ðŸ˜…

Step Two Change Mio to Finger Velg 17 inch

Prepare the parts or accessories needed for the MIO 17 inches later. It has become mandatory, because almost all parts of the legs (wheel tromol) innate MIO 14 will not be used anymore. Unless your mio is in the position of the 14-inch finger rim. Tromolnya still be used.

  • Velg/ RIM

Many options are available for 17-inch alloy wheels, the pair price range from 250rb-600rb. Among others: DBS 300rb, COMET 280rb, TDR 550rb.
For the usual Mio use the front size 140, rear 140.

  • Tromol

Can be purchased easily at the shop nearest motorcycle accessories in your city. There are many options. Tromol radius Standart Ori motor innate. Or after market tromol like COMET, COMBIZ, TRUSTY etc. Price range 290-350rb an.
Here I choose COMET, because the quality of the tromol and chrom is good. The price is affordable for

  • Finger / Spoke

For fingers quite a lot of choices. There is the usual 14,000 (small finger diameter, easy to rust), or use a brand like TDR, for 35,000 with good quality, strong and large finger diameter.

For the finger size of the front finger, use 10 × 164,Here admin using the rainbow finger tdr

While the rear finger wear size 10 × 120. Can also pake 10 × 130. But later finally fixed cut by the handler, made into the size of 10 × 120 again, consequently the strength of the fingers is less stable, so must often stop by "carpenter steels wheel". So better all buy a 10 × 120 aja

The choice falls on the TDR finger. The price of the slightest difference but get a qualified quality. Range 30-40rb an

  • Tire

One more thing to note is in tire size selection. Broadly speaking there are only 2 options.

Of course dong absolute requirement is the size of 17inci.

1. Without modification

Rear tire wear size MAXIMUM 70/80 17 inch. If you use more than that then the rear tire will touch the air filter.
For the front tires a maximum of 70-80 17 inches. The rest will touch the bottom deck behind the wheel.
My recommendation still front 70/80, back 70/80. With that bro bro do not mess around this setting again!

2. Little or even a touch

If you want to wear a tire with a size larger than that mentioned in the previous point. CAN, but on condition you know ðŸ˜…
  • Remove air filter or replace with small variation filter. Wow out budget again ðŸ¤£
  • Replace the front shock with the shock variation, the price range 300-500rb an. Wow out budget again ðŸ¤‘
About the choice, there are many. Start FDR, COMET, MIZZLE, SWALLOW, IRC.

For those of you who want a rather large rear tire size fixed 60/80 flat, can use COMET type M1 made in Vietnam. Because size is bigger than COMET made in Thailand and other brands brand. Though the same size.

  • Inner tube

Do not carelessly use inner tubes for the size of thin and flat tires. Try to use the same size with the tire size used. Suppose the outer tire size 70/80, then the inner tire should also be 70/80. Do not be small, let alone bigger! Tires will be easy peyang.
There are many options, range 19rb-30rb only.

Step Three Change Mio to Finger Velg 17 inch

The most simple step is in this third step. CARRY TO EXPERTS STEEL VELG AND PAIRS.

Yup, that's right. If part after market in the previous step already in your hands. Now is the time to look for a steel alloy wheels.

Do not be arbitrary, one can choose your wheels dented or less stable.

  • Take it to your subscription, if you already have acquaintances / subscriptions yes just bring it over there. In addition to a more comfortable mind, while waiting can you live to work on other activities ðŸ˜…
  • If you have not, can ask for a recommendation of a good alloy wheels to the accessories SHOP where you bought
"Then need a budget how to overhaul as above?"

1. Velg COMET

  • Front rear size 140 2 pcs @ Rp 374.000
2. Tromol
  • COMET Front rear @Rp 300.000
3. Fingers
  • Front rear TDR, 2 pcs @ 35.000: Rp 70.000
4. Tire
  • Front rear COMET 70/80 2 pcs @Rp 350.000
5. Inner tube
  • Front rear COMET 70/80 2 pcs @ Rp 30.000 : Rp 60.000
6. Etc
  • Tuition Fee @Rp 35.000
TOTAL : 1.1 Million to 1.3 Million (considering the price of each city is different)

Condition after MIO replace 17 wheels?
  • The pull becomes light
  • Position is higher than before
  • Speedometer so messed up, usually 60 km / h so 40 km / h
  • Maneuver is more agile
  • Certainly look different!
  • If during braking / discharging on the front tire road touched spakbor, could you ever lower the front shock position. So return it to its standart position only. With consequences Buffer / Standard middle will not work because Rear wheels will be higher than the middle standard.

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